"Patch" Release Notes
This Quality Assurance (QA) release prioritizes technical and user experience enhancements
Patch was deployed to all Sites@Duke Pro sites the week of July 5, 2022 – alongside her sister feature release, Piper. Named for Sites Pro development lead David White's beloved beagle, Patch includes small technical and performance fixes, as well as enhancements to improve accessibility, usability, and user experience.
The most visible change is the ability to manually enter Event items in your Drupal admin site. Now, your site can include events added directly through Drupal, events imported from Duke Event Calendar via feeds (still our recommended method), or a mix of both!

Users must have the new Event Creator or Event Reviewer roles to access this feature. If you can't see it, contact your site's User Managers for access.
Further Events usability enhancements are planned for a future release. We welcome any feedback on the new workflow through our MS Teams channel or email.
Other notable Patch updates
- Users with the User Manager role will be able to grant the Site Administrator role to other users
- Workflow enhancements for adding Content Blocks on Story content type
- Secondary sidebar navigation will include the top-level landing page
- Correcting bugs with anchor links and media files in Link fields
- Usability improvements to the admin interface, to include additional help text and hiding unnecessary Drupal default fields
- Bug fixes for events feeds, including duplicate events and missing contact information
- Making front-end styling elements more consistent across content blocks
Training documentation on userguide.sitespro.duke.edu will be updated shortly to reflect these changes. If you have a question about a specific change, please contact us!