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Upcoming Release: Buddy

Meet Buddy, a 16-year-old Carolina Dog rescue from the Deep South, who spends his days lounging in the home office of Jillian Warren Brown, Duke Web Services' senior project manager. He loves his family, treats, fleece blankets, and the same old threadbare dog bed he's had since 2006. This loyal senior pup has earned his place as our 2nd Quarter release of Fiscal Year 2023.

Brown puppy with black nose, sitting on a blanket with a giant rawhide candy cane

The Buddy release contains a number of requested new features, including:

  • Project content type – including a Project List content block and Projects list page
  • Publication List content block to display publications from Scholars@Duke
  • Shibboleth protection of Blog Posts, News, Resources, and Stories
  • Page List content block enhancements
  • Summary field improvements for better user experience and more consistent display of items in lists
  • Metadata updates to improve search engine optimization of Scholars Profiles
  • Google Calendar integration

Buddy is expected to go live in mid-December 2022 – just in time for the holidays! He will be seamlessly rolled out to all Sites Pro live, staging, and content/admin websites, and we will post a detailed update on this website and Microsoft Teams when deployment is complete.