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Upcoming Release: Stormy

There's a new release ready to take Sites@Duke Pro by storm!

Russian Blue cat sitting in a bathroom sink

Our 1st Quarter release of Fiscal Year 2023 is named after a talkative Russian Blue cat. Stormy lives in peace with her sister Everest and in tenuous truce with her step-brother Ziggy. She announces her presence with authority, whether she's appearing spontaneously in the middle of the room or simply jumping on your lap. Stormy loves the spotlight – often strutting across the desk of her human, Ryn Nasser of Duke Web Services, in the middle of Zoom meetings.

The Stormy release includes a mix of quality assurance updates and small feature additions. Stormy is expected to go live in late September/early October 2022. She will be seamlessly rolled out to all Sites Pro live, staging, and content/admin websites, and we will post a detailed update on this website and Microsoft Teams when deployment is complete.