Sites@Duke Pro is an evolving website service created to meet the needs of the Duke community. The system is owned by the Office of Information Technology (OIT). A Management Group is the primary decision-making body of the service, following technical and industry best practices and regularly consulting the system's User Group.
The Sites@Duke Pro User Group is comprised of direct users and stakeholders of the system, representing the communications and business needs of users across departments and units. This user community will meet regularly to discuss best practices and use cases of the system, and to provide direct feedback to the Management Group.
The Sites@Duke Pro Management Group includes Office of Information Technology (OIT) staff representing the functional ownership and maintenance of Sites Pro. This group represents the technical needs of the system and is heavily involved with its development, design, and support. The Management Group reviews all feature requests according to established criteria.
System Maintenance & Enhancements
Sites@Duke Pro will establish a quarterly maintenance plan to implement:
- Bug fixes and solutions to system issues
- Infrastructure enhancements
- New features and front-end changes
- Technology or security updates
News and release notes will be published on the system website and other relevant communication channels.
Critical issues may be addressed outside of these regular maintenance windows, aiming to minimize any effects to customers or live websites. If downtime cannot be avoided, planned outages will be communicated to customers in advance.
System bugs and issues should be reported to the OIT Service Desk and will receive more immediate attention over new feature development.
Outages & Monitoring
Sites Pro sites are monitored 24/7 to alert OIT of any outages. Unplanned outages will be communicated through OIT Status alerts.
Customers should also report any service disruptions they experience. Contact the OIT Service Desk at or 919-684-2200.
Issues with live production websites will receive priority over issues with the administrative interface or staging websites. Situations where the production site or significant site information (i.e., unexpected event cancellation) is not available may require over-writing of site content with previously backed-up site content. OIT cannot be held responsible for lost content in these situations.
New feature requests
New feature requests are customer requests for planned changes in service or functionality.
Sites@Duke Pro will solicit user suggestions through the New Feature Requests webform. Requests will first be evaluated by the Sites Pro Management Group, before being presented to the User Group for review and prioritization. Requests will be evaluated according to established criteria, as outlined on the New Feature Requests page.
Sites@Duke Pro will establish a method to communicate status of requests in an efficient, timely, and transparent manner. The turnaround time of specific requests will vary based on technical complexity, priority level (as established by the Management and User Groups), and other factors. As the Sites Pro system shares and relies on other OIT tools and resources, requests with demonstrated benefits to other internal projects or teams may be eligible for elevated or expedited priority status at the discretion of the Management Group. Urgent requests for new features cannot be accommodated.
Acceptable Use
All users of the Sites@Duke Pro service, also known as Sites Pro, agree to follow Duke’s acceptable computing use guidelines. Duke employees who use the service also agree to follow Duke policies on the use of computing and electronic resources, the standard of conduct, and non-solicitation.
Users of the Sites@Duke Pro service grant to Duke and its agents a non-exclusive license to use all content on sites hosted in the tool. The writer of the site content retains the copyright to that content.
Duke NetID accounts and passwords are specific to the individual and may not be shared with others.
Scope of Service
Sites@Duke Pro provides a pre-configured Drupal environment with a robust set of features and integrations that site owners can use to create their own web space. Site owners must be affiliated with Duke and have a Duke cost center or fund code. Sites Pro is not a custom development environment, which means that users may not install their own themes or modules or obtain access to the back end of the service. Requests to grant access to external parties will be evaluated by OIT.
Terms of Service
Sites@Duke Pro is offered to current members of the Duke community at a reduced charge, compared with a typical website redesign project. A standard set of configuration options are available.
The Duke Data Classification Standard defines three classes of information: Sensitive, Restricted, and Public. Each classification tier requires a specific level of technical and procedural security controls. The Sites Pro service is an appropriate location only for Public data, and all users of the service agree to only publish Public data on it.
Terms of Use Agreement for SITE Owners
- I have reviewed and understand the functionality and integrations available in Sites@Duke Pro.
- I have reviewed and understand the system policies and support procedures outlined on the Sites Pro website.
- I authorize an initial charge to the cost center (i.e., fund code) on file – to be billed within one month of the initial site request.
- I understand I will be billed a monthly maintenance fee, beginning the month I receive my staging site and continuing for the life of my website. Notice of any changes to recurring costs will be provided in advance.
- I understand that use of Sites Pro requires adherence to Duke’s acceptable use guidelines and that access may be revoked for any website participant who does not follow these guidelines.
- I understand that use of Sites Pro is subject to Duke University policies, specifically relating to institutional equity, privacy, security, and web accessibility.
- I understand that I may be added to a mailing list to receive periodic notifications of upgrades and major changes to Sites Pro. Membership on this list is required as long as I manage a Sites Pro website.
- I understand that these Terms and Conditions may be modified at a future date in accordance with Sites Pro management procedures.