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"Greg" Release Notes

This feature release prioritizes requests from pilot users

Greg was deployed to all Sites@Duke Pro sites on Friday, March 25, 2022. In memory of OIT developer (and friend of the Sites Pro team) Iain Hadgraft's Greyhound, Greg includes new features requested by early adopters of Sites@Duke Pro as they built out their website content.

The most visible change is the re-envisioned site header

New style of site header

Additional Greg updates include:

  1. Gave logged-in users the ability to preview unpublished content – note: this change may not be immediately available for some users, but we expect full availability later this week
    Ability to preview unpublished content
  2. Added search and filters to the Scholars Profiles list pages (/students and /faculty)
  3. Changed default search behavior for multi-word search queries to use "AND" logic
  4. Reworked behavior of FAQ items in site search results
  5. Added integration with the Duke Event Calendar Feed Curator
  6. Updated Scholars Profile edit screen to make clear which fields are editable by Drupal users vs. imported from the Scholars feed
  7. Updated Scholars integration to allow unpublishing of Scholars Profiles
  8. Improved styling of Announcements, News items, and Profile Content Reference blocks
  9. Adjusted line height of text for improved readability
  10. Enhanced support for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
  11. Added ability to edit content when navigating in the Preview pane – note: parts of this change overlap with the Marla release, so it is complete now that both Marla and Greg have been deployed

As a reminder, the following Greg features were deployed earlier, as part of a phased roll-out of this first feature release:

  1. Past Events list page (/past-events)
  2. People List content block
  3. Additional taxonomies on Scholars@Duke Profiles to match those available on Profiles: categories, organizational unit, profile group, and profile type
  4. Spacer content block
  5. TimelineJS integration; now allowed in iframe content block

Documentation of these new features will be made available on shortly. If you have a question about a specific update, please contact us!

Also, you can submit new feature ideas for consideration through our New Feature Request process.